November’s eButterflyer of the Month : Daniel Jones

This November’s eButterflyer of the month is Daniel Jones from Texas. Dan joined eButterfly last spring and has been an extremely productive eButterfly user and our top Texas contributor ever since! He is currently ranked second for the number of species recorded in 2014 in our top 100 with 132 species from 47 checklists contributed […]

New Butterfly Field Guide for Ontario

eButterfly is very proud to be a part of the very first field guide on the butterflies of Ontario. It highlights the diversity of life by featuring 167 species of butterflies known to occur in Ontario. The ROM Field Guide to Butterflies of Ontario includes descriptive species accounts, flight season phenograms, and striking field photography […]

eButterfly Spotlight – Arctic (Purple) Fritillary

From Gary in Edmonton, Alberta. Today’s butterfly was a surprise for me in more ways than one.  I ventured  out to the little bog just south of Sherwood Park in hopes of finding  a Giant Sulphur.  No sulphurs, but on the edge of the bog a population of fresh Boloria freija aka Freija fritillarys!  The second surprise was when I got home […]

July eButterflyer of Month: Gary Anweiler

This July’s eButterflyer of the month is Alberta’s own Gary Anweiler. Gary has been associated with the Strickland Entomological Museum for 25 years now and wrote many of the lepidoptera species pages for the Virtual Museum site and is co-author of the annotated list of the Lepidoptera of Alberta, Canada published in 2010 and updated in 2014. He […]

Bienvenue à eButterfly 3.0!

Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer le lancement de iPapillon 3.0, la version mise à jour du puissant site Internet actuellement utilisé par des milliers de mordus des papillons. iPapillon est un site gratuit et convivial qui permet aux observateurs de papillons de toute l’Amérique du Nord d’entrer, d’archiver et de partager leurs observations n’importe où, n’importe […]

iPapillon 3.0 nécessite l’utilisation d’un navigateur Internet récent

Vous devez utiliser la version la plus récente de votre navigateur pour optimiser l’affichage et le fonctionnement de la version 3.0 du site iPapillon. Si vous utilisez Internet Explorer, il doit s’agir de la version 10 ou d’une version ultérieure. Cliquez ici pour vous renseigner sur les dernières versions des différents navigateurs et savoir quelle version de […]