eButterfly: A Year in Review and a Look Ahead

As the year comes to a close, we at eButterfly are filled with gratitude for all that we have accomplished together in the past year. From tracking the movements of individual butterflies to compiling data on species distribution and abundance, our community of passionate butterfly enthusiasts has contributed invaluable insights to the world of butterfly research.

Rare Butterfly Eaten by Endangered Frog

While on a two-week holiday in Arizona starting in late October, I visited the Ramsey Canyon Nature Conservancy Reserve in the Huachuca Mountains. On a hike up the canyon creek, I came across a small pond covered with a pond weed. A rare and very local Chiricahua White (Neophasia terlootii) orange female (photo 1) landed on the pond weed to drink (strange in itself).

Community Scientist Discovers New Butterfly Species for Vermont

Terri Armata, one of Vermont’s most ardent butterfly watchers, has done it again. For the second year in a row she has recorded a new butterfly species for Vermont. On June 30th in the far southwest corner of Vermont she photographed a Northern Oak Hairstreak (Satyrium favonius ontario) among the Banded Hairstreaks (Satyrium calanus) nectaring at Common Milkweed.

Join the International Monarch Monitoring Blitz (July 29-August 7)

The International Monarch Monitoring Blitz invites community scientists from across North America to come together with the shared goal of helping to protect and conserve the beloved and emblematic monarch butterfly. Data collected by volunteers each year support trinational efforts to better understand the monarch butterfly’s breeding productivity, range, and timing in North America.