Southern Portugal butterfly destination

Join Peter Hall and his wife Judy on their fascinating journey through southern Portugal, where they explored the Algarve and Alentejo regions in search of rare and endemic butterflies and birds. From colorful wetlands to picturesque river valleys, this adventure full of natural discoveries will take you to some of the best butterfly-watching destinations in Europe. Don’t miss this exciting story on our community science blog dedicated to butterfly reporting and conservation!

Mariposas of the Dominican Republic

In this Post, Peter Hall recounts his experience observing butterflies in the Dominican Republic during the northern winter. Without renting a car, he explored the Samaná Peninsula on foot from a small hotel in Las Galeras. During his week there, he identified 48 butterfly species, including endemics from the island of Hispaniola. He highlights the presence of species such as Calisto and various skippers. Additionally, he mentions sighting rare and endemic species like the Haitian V-mark Skipper and the Dynamine butterfly. He also shares findings about the distributions of some species and the consulted literary sources.

Join our Brand New Discussion Forum Now!

Our vision is to make eButterfly the largest butterflying community in the world! 
To achieve that goal, we just launched our discussion forum. In this place, you will interact with all other eButterfly users and talk about anything butterfly related, from identifications, science, stories, feature requests and much more! 

Bienvenue à eButterfly 3.0!

Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer le lancement de iPapillon 3.0, la version mise à jour du puissant site Internet actuellement utilisé par des milliers de mordus des papillons. iPapillon est un site gratuit et convivial qui permet aux observateurs de papillons de toute l’Amérique du Nord d’entrer, d’archiver et de partager leurs observations n’importe où, n’importe […]

iPapillon 3.0 nécessite l’utilisation d’un navigateur Internet récent

Vous devez utiliser la version la plus récente de votre navigateur pour optimiser l’affichage et le fonctionnement de la version 3.0 du site iPapillon. Si vous utilisez Internet Explorer, il doit s’agir de la version 10 ou d’une version ultérieure. Cliquez ici pour vous renseigner sur les dernières versions des différents navigateurs et savoir quelle version de […]