Zabulon Skipper found in Vermont

  It took less than a month for Terri Armata, one of our star butterfly atlas volunteers, to find and document the 119th butterfly species for Vermont and her fourth state record. On August 22nd, she located a fresh male Zabulon Skipper (Lon Zabulon) in an unmowed field full of Red Clover just outside of […]

eButterfly Spotlight – Arctic (Purple) Fritillary

From Gary in Edmonton, Alberta. Today’s butterfly was a surprise for me in more ways than one.  I ventured  out to the little bog just south of Sherwood Park in hopes of finding  a Giant Sulphur.  No sulphurs, but on the edge of the bog a population of fresh Boloria freija aka Freija fritillarys!  The second surprise was when I got home […]