(English) Community Scientist Discovers New Butterfly Species for Vermont

(English) Terri Armata, one of Vermont’s most ardent butterfly watchers, has done it again. For the second year in a row she has recorded a new butterfly species for Vermont. On June 30th in the far southwest corner of Vermont she photographed a Northern Oak Hairstreak (Satyrium favonius ontario) among the Banded Hairstreaks (Satyrium calanus) nectaring at Common Milkweed.

(English) Join the International Monarch Monitoring Blitz (July 29-August 7)

(English) The International Monarch Monitoring Blitz invites community scientists from across North America to come together with the shared goal of helping to protect and conserve the beloved and emblematic monarch butterfly. Data collected by volunteers each year support trinational efforts to better understand the monarch butterfly’s breeding productivity, range, and timing in North America. 

¡Únete a nuestro nuevo foro de discusión ahora!

¡Nuestra visión es hacer de eButterfly la comunidad de mariposas más grande del mundo!
Para lograr ese objetivo, acabamos de lanzar nuestro foro de discusión. En este lugar, interactuará con todos los demás usuarios de eButterfly y hablará sobre cualquier cosa relacionada con las mariposas, desde identificaciones, ciencia, historias, solicitudes de funciones y mucho más.

(English) eButterfly V6.0 is here!

(English) After almost a year in the making, thousandths of development hours, and an immense amount of feedback from our users.  July 20th at midnight (EST), the wait will be over, eButterfly V6.0 is here!
We made a considerable effort to make this new version as similar as possible to the previous but simultaneously with several key new features and massive performance improvements.

Please join us tomorrow, Thursday, July 21st at 4 PM (EST) for a webinar where we will introduce all those new features.